Dropping a ’23 Sierra with Belltech Suspension  

Suspension upgrades seem to be one of the first “must haves” in our world. Stock trucks are something most of our readers try to avoid, but for us gearheads, we can’t leave anything alone and always have to tinker on our trucks. Adjusting the altitude of your truck is still within reach thanks to companies like Belltech. For this project, a ’23 Sierra 1500 4WD, the company offers a few options for lifting and lowering to fit everyone’s individual needs.

Bagged Suspension Must-Have  →

Custom 1992 Mitsubishi Mighty Max Mini Truck Build 

Justin Wyatt from Blountville, Tennessee bought the 1992 Mitsubishi Mighty Max you'll see here back in 1998 when he was 16 years old to tinker on with his friends and make it cooler than the stock version. Little did he know that 25 years later, he would still have the truck, and it would look nothing like it did on Day One. All those years and many mods later, this third version of the truck might just be his favorite.

Tri Star →